Saturday, May 14, 2016

20.109 definitely taught me more about the real world than any other class I have taken ever.  Not only was it the most useful and practical class I have taken, it was one that made me finally understand what biological engineering really is. Trying to come up with a topic for the research proposal presentation was the most interesting yet challenging task we had yet faced. There were just so many possibilities, so many interesting topics, and the fact that the sky was the limit when it came to fields of science that bioengineering can be applied to made it so difficult to narrow it down.  No seriously you can go into neuroscience, molecular biology, bioinstrumentation, medicine, biochemistry, biomechanics, ecology, genetics, the list goes on and on. And that's the best part! Now when someone asks me what bioengineering is, I know it can be anything I want it to be, there is no set one answer that encompasses all the possibilities. I truly have to say thank you to all of the instructors for making me confident in being a course 20, and making me love my major. 

Thank you for a great semester, all the time and hard work you guys put into engineering the modules and fixing all the things that went wrong after hours, all the weekend office hours for hours on end with endless snacks, and most importantly for helping me improve my skills as a researcher so drastically in such a short amount of time.  I couldn’t have asked for a better experience, and 20.109 will truly be missed (even Friday afternoon labs :D).

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