My lab partners and I showed up to the first office hours
for Mod 1 with practically nothing put together, which was supposed to be okay,
but it just felt like we were the only unprepared ones. I think out of the 2.5
hours we were there we spent 20 mins being skeptical about those orange PB
& J cracker sandwiches, 40 min trying to format on Google Slides before
giving up and using powerpoint, 40 min talking about planning to talk about
writing the project, 20 min looking at terrifying Snapchat face swaps, 20 min
deleting the 30 dropbox versions we accidentally saved by editing on separate
computers, and 10 min actually writing something useful.
One of the hardest parts for our group was learning how to
write about an experiment that didn’t go the way we hypothesized. We spent a
good half hour staring at our implications section with the single bullet “This
protein is useless #MVP (most valueless protein)”; writing about failure (that
may be a tad harsh) usually isn’t the science you see in journals. But don't get discouraged if your experiment didn't work the way you expected, results are results and its more important to write about it well than anything else. You could have perfect results and still have a horrible paper or you could make a strong paper out of what you have (I guess you could also have perfect results and a great paper but lets not get crazy)
Constructing that coherent story out of our data
proved to be the most daunting task of the assignment, even more so then
getting slides and figures in order, which I churned out in a 4-hour manic
caffeine induced writing high. Tying things together and justifying why data was even being
shown in the first place was something that got lost in our fury to make sure
the font sizes on the axes of the figures were all Arial and the tiny pictures
in the schematic were perfectly centered.
I think the difficult part of writing was rewriting homework assignments to make
sure they actually fit together properly in the bigger picture. Writing it the
first time is hard but finding a new way to write it better is even harder,
especially when you get fixated on what you wrote in the first place. Ever
wrote a fancy sentence that you’re so proud of you don’t want to change it even
if its not exactly accurate? Well that was me, and it took a lot more effort
than I care to admit to get started. For Mod 2, I definitely plan to organize
thoughts and the general story before getting into specific details, rather
than the other way around.
Because office hours (after the first one) were so productive, we had it put together and ready to go way
earlier than for any major assignment in my entire life (an entire day before
it was due!). And the feeling of satisfaction for having pulled 0 all-nighters
and being confident of what we turned in instead of the usual panic attack at 4:59 pm when the internet breaks (happens every time) was unbeatable. I know now for Mod 2 (and every other major
assignment ever) how much more calm and stress-free life is when you don’t
procrastinate- yes it took me 20 years to figure this out but it’s never too
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